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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Channeling Larry King

So I was just randomly looking online yesterday and I found this outfit that (weirdly) reminded me of Larry King and his suspenders...I'm not sure if this is some revived trend (i.e. leggings) but I'm really into it

Suspender Shorts by Lauren Moffatt $277

Larry King

I just thought that I would include this cute little bag in here. In addition to red, it also comes in black and white.

Bonnie Bag by Kooba $295

Finally, Timbaland's new album "Shock Wave" is out and I'm usually not a big fan of rap music but one song on it is really good. It's called "Give it to me" and it features Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake. Amazing combination.


Bella said...

I LOVE suspenders! I dont actually have a pair, but I'm trying to get up the courage to wear them, its hard though, because they make such a statement. I'm going to check out Timbalands new song, cause supposdly its really good! :__)

molly said...

ahh very cute!

that song disses prince, which i dont appreciate because justin timberlake is so lame.

Carissa Duhamel said...

Hah, I would love to channel Larry King. Those suspenders with a striped long sleeve oxford underneath.. lovely.

Ella Gregory said...

i love the first look
very very cute.

Tru said...

cute bag...I like the red, lovely blog by the way

Carolina Lange said...

Love that red bag!